Vinyasa är en stil av yoga där vi länkar samman positioner med andningens rytm. I en typisk Vinyasa-klass bygger vi upp en eller flera sekvenser under klassen, och vi flödar igenom dem på senare delen av klassen. Vinyasa-klasser är ofta lekfulla och kreativa, med fokus på övergångar och rörelser, och mindre stillastående i en position.
Vinyasa is a style of yoga where we link poses to the rhytm of the breath.
In a typical Vinyasa class we build up one or several sequences during the class, and we flow through them at the later part of the class. Vinyasa classes are often playful and creative, with focus on transitions and movements, and less time spent in stationary poses.
Vinyasa Basics
En klass med långsammare Vinyasa-flöde, där fokus och betoning ligger på övergångar mellan positioner.
En klass om du är ny till yoga eller vill ta en långsammare Vinyasa-klass.
Nybörjare + alla nivåer
A slower paced Vinyasa flow, with focus and emphasis on transitions between poses. A class if you are new to yoga or wants to take a slower Vinyasa class.
Beginners + all levels
Vinyasa flow
Vinyasa Flow är en dynamisk och flödande yogaform där rörelser och positioner synkroniseras med andetaget. Ofta så bygger man upp en sekvens av rörelser som vi sedan flödar igenom flera gånger.
Vi stannar kortare stund i positionerna än i en Hatha klass, därför kan det vara bra att ha yogat så många gånger att du känner att du kan hänga med i ett mer flödande tempo.
Fun, creative flows, that are strenghtening your body, and challenging your caridovascular system and will make you sweat. We are moving mindfully stringing poses together to the rhythm of your breath.
Vinyasa strong flow
Starkare och mer utmanande flöden för dem som är vana vid Vinyasa-klasser.
Fortsättning + avancera nivå
Stronger and more challening flows for those who are used to Vinyasa classes.
Intermediate + experienced
Inside flow
Inside Flow är alltid förkoreograferad till en specifik låt. Under klassen övar vi på delar av sekvensen till olika låtar, och slutligen flödar vi genom hela sekvensen utan avbrott till den utvalda låten. Flödet kännetecknas av genomtänkta sekvenser, kreativa övergångar och härlig musik. Eftersom vi är i konstant rörelse och rör oss graciöst i övergångarna utvecklar du kroppsmedvetenhet och styrka genom stabilitet och rörlighet.
Inside Flow är inte för nybörjare. Du behöver inte kunna avancerade positioner, men du bör vara bekväm med att flöda genom en rörelse i takt med andetaget och ha erfarenhet av Vinyasa Flow.
Inside Flow is always pre-choreographed to a specific song. During the class, parts of the sequence are rehearsed to different songs and finally we flow through the entire sequence without interruption to the selected song. The flow is characterized by well-thought-out sequences, creative transitions and lovely music. Because we are in constant motion and move gracefully in transitions, you develop body awareness, strength through stability and mobility to deepen your range of motion over time.
Inside Flow is not for beginners. You don't need to know advanced positions but you are comfortable flowing through a movement to a breath and are familiar with Vinyasa Flow.
Intermediate + experienced
Earth Flow
A meeting of yoga and shamanism in which we connect to Spirit through the matter of our physical bodies. Dynamic explorations of the four elements through somatic movements, breathwork and sound inspired by the shamanic devotion to earth.
The class contains elements of drumming, smudging and medicine songs. Let the instructor know if you’re sensitive to smoke and smells.
Beginners + all levels
Soma Move®
Soma Move is a great total practice for strength, flexibility, balance, relaxed power, rhythm and grace.
Designed to be performed by almost anyone. Enjoyable to do and easy to develop.
You will move through a constant flow of well selected movements and high embodied presence.
You will enjoy a structure of movement patterns that are strong but at the same time soft. The movements will challenge you and they will help you to develop a more united and whole body. You will breath, move and sweat.
Nothing else than the ground beneath you and your body's movements is in focus. Clean, simple and fun.
You will move athletic and strong to a suggestive music, relaxed and powerful.
No beat to follow, no repatriations to count. Just you and your never ending movement.
Beginners + all levels
Hathayoga är ett paraply-begrepp för alla typer av yoga som lär ut fysiska positioner.
Nästan varje typ av yogaklass som undervisas i väst är Hatha-yoga med olika variationer, såsom Vinyasa, Anusara, Ashtanga, Iyengar etc. Vi rör oss genom olika positioner, i rytm med andetagen, med huvudfokus på att stanna i positionen under ett antal andetag eller tid för att bygga styrka och närvaro mellan kropp och sinne.
Hatha yoga is a generic term for any type of yoga that teaches physical postures. Nearly every type of yoga classes taught in the West is Hatha yoga with different variations, such as Vinyasa, Anusara, Ashtanga, Iyengar etc.
We move through different poses, with the breath, with the main focus is on staying in the pose for a number of breath or time, to build strength and align body and mind.
Hatha Basic
Det här är en klass där vi bygger grunden för vår fysiska yogapraktik. En långsammare klass med fokus på teknik och att bygga styrka i positionerna, för att sträcka ut och öppna upp där vi känner spänningar i kroppen.
Den innehåller också introduktion till pranayama (andningsövningar) och kortare meditationer.
Nybörjare + alla nivåer
This is a class were we build the foundation for our physical yoga practice. A slower class with focus on technique and building strength in the poses, to stretch and open up where we feel tighness in the body. Introduction to pranayama (breathing exercises), and shorter meditations.
Beginners + all levels
I en Hatha-klass stannar vi några andetag, och ger oss tid att hitta tekniken i kroppen och medvetenhet i kropp och sinne. Vi rör oss systematiskt från position till position, snarare än flödar igenom. Klassen har ofta inslag av andningsövningar, mantran och meditation.
Nybörjare + alla nivåer
A hatha class where we hold the poses and find alignment and awareness in body and mind. Other practices in the class can be breathing exercises, mantra and meditation.
Beginners + Intermediate
Hatha flow
En klass för dig som är bekant med Hatha- eller Vinyasa-yoga. Tempot följer andetagets rytm snarare än det vanliga Hatha-tempot, och du kommer att få möjlighet att utforska mer avancerade variationer av positioner. Modifieringar av positioner kommer fortfarande att erbjudas.
Come to this class if you are familiar with Hatha yoga or Vinaysa. The pacing of the class is more in the flow of the breath than regular Hatha classes and more advanced variations of poses. Modifications of poses will still be offered.
Intermediate + experienced
Sensing yoga
Sensing yoga det är en rörelseform som anpassar sig efter allas olika kroppar och som endast görs på sin egen kropps villkor. Det är så som djur regelbundet rör på sig och så som små barn intuitivt rör på sig för att utveckla sitt naturliga rörelsemönster.
Det är även så som naturfolk rör sig utan någon tanke om linjeringar eller någon prestation att komma någonstans eller se ut på något speciellt sätt. Tanken om att vara så naturlig som möjligt utan krav och perfektion, för att komma tillbaka till att vara så rörlig och smidig som möjligt i både kropp, tanke och själ.
Nybörjare + alla nivåer
Slow flow & breathwork
A delicious blend of slow movement, creative transitioning, breath alchemy and poetry.
Through slow and gentle movements, the first half of the class prioritizes sensation and bridge the gap between reverent ritual and modern day life.
In the second half, we will be weaving the breath like a thread between space and form, body and cosmos, so that we can change the atmosphere inside of our bodies, knock on our hearts and clear our minds.
By oxygenating the body through different practices (rooted in kundalini, classical pranayama, shamanic breath, martial arts and Katonah yoga) breath work moves us into a deeply relaxed and altered state in which we are able to perceive, feel and gently release energy tension and emotions to get to the root of fear, exhaustion or whatever is compromising our breath.
Beginners + all levels
Therapeutic Yoga
En klass med fokus på att stärka core-muskulaturen och öka rörlighet i axlar och höfter.
Klassen lägger stor vikt vid teknik och närvaro i kroppen. Den ger utrymme för anpassningar och passar dig som har skadeproblematik, liksom dig som vill bygga en stark grund kroppen.
Nybörjare + alla nivåer
Vilsamma, återhämtande klasser
Dessa klasser är långsamma med fokus på stillhet och återhämtning
Yin yoga
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced yoga style with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time. By relaxing into and holding the poses we stress the connective tissue, with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.
We do the poses seated or laying on the floor and we use bolster, blocks and blankest for support.
The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body known as meridians in Chinese medicine.
All levels
Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down. In restorative yoga, props (bolster, blocks, blankets, belts) are used to support your body so you can hold poses for longer periods of time and passively stretching the body.
Restorative poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends. We do only a few poses during the class. The aim of the class is for you to relax deeply, relesae stress and restore enegy.
All levels
Yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that is performed lying down. Nidra means sleep and Yoga Nidra is often called the sleepless sleep when we are taken into a state between wakefulness and sleep where the body goes into a deep form of relaxation, while keeping the mind focused and awake.
All levels
Breathwork classes
Breathwork Basic
Welcome to this breathwork journey, perfect for those who wants to explore the power of your own breath for the first time, or for the more experienced who wants to go deeper in a safe context.
This session is about balancing the nervous system, stimulating a calmness and de-stress response and at the same time charging up with long-lasting energy with the help of a certain breathing technique, alternated with gentle breath holds before landing in a meditation phase.
Our wish is that you will leave the class feeling relaxed, energised and in a peaceful state.
Beginners + All levels
Activating Breathwork
This activating breathwork is a more intense class where we push ourselves harder than in other classes to maximize the effect of breathwork. Here we dont hold back. <br>Perfect for those who have a hard time focusing on slow paced exercises. You will notice the harder you push, the deeper your relaxation in the end will be. An example of exploring the extremes of activation and relaxation.
Preferably attend this class after trying breathwork at least once before. If you are a beginner you are still welcome, the teacher will give you an easier time.
Slow flow & breathwork
A delicious blend of slow movement, creative transitioning, breath alchemy and poetry.
Through slow and gentle movements, the first half of the class prioritizes sensation and bridge the gap between reverent ritual and modern day life.
In the second half, we will be weaving the breath like a thread between space and form, body and cosmos, so that we can change the atmosphere inside of our bodies, knock on our hearts and clear our minds.
By oxygenating the body through different practices (rooted in kundalini, classical pranayama, shamanic breath, martial arts and Katonah yoga) breath work moves us into a deeply relaxed and altered state in which we are able to perceive, feel and gently release energy tension and emotions to get to the root of fear, exhaustion or whatever is compromising our breath.
Beginners + all levels
Vinyasa is a style of yoga where we link poses to the rhytm of the breath.
In a typical Vinyasa class we build up one or several sequences during the class, and we flow through them at the later part of the class. Vinyasa classes are often playful and creative, with focus on transitions and movements, and less time spent in stationary poses.
Vinyasa Basics
A slower paced Vinyasa flow, with focus and emphasis on transitions between poses. A class if you are new to yoga or wants to take a slower Vinyasa class.
Beginners + all levels
Vinyasa flow
Fun, creative flows, that are strenghtening your body, and challenging your caridovascular system and will make you sweat. We are moving mindfully stringing poses together to the rhythm of your breath.
Vinyasa strong flow
Stronger and more challening flows for those who are used to Vinyasa classes.
Intermediate + experienced
Inside flow
Inside Flow is always pre-choreographed to a specific song. During the class, parts of the sequence are rehearsed to different songs and finally we flow through the entire sequence without interruption to the selected song. The flow is characterized by well-thought-out sequences, creative transitions and lovely music. Because we are in constant motion and move gracefully in transitions, you develop body awareness, strength through stability and mobility to deepen your range of motion over time.
Inside Flow is not for beginners. You don't need to know advanced positions but you are comfortable flowing through a movement to a breath and are familiar with Vinyasa Flow.
Intermediate + experienced
Earth Flow
A meeting of yoga and shamanism in which we connect to Spirit through the matter of our physical bodies. Dynamic explorations of the four elements through somatic movements, breathwork and sound inspired by the shamanic devotion to earth.
The class contains elements of drumming, smudging and medicine songs. Let the instructor know if you’re sensitive to smoke and smells.
Beginners + all levels
Soma Move®
Soma Move is a great total practice for strength, flexibility, balance, relaxed power, rhythm and grace.
Designed to be performed by almost anyone. Enjoyable to do and easy to develop.
You will move through a constant flow of well selected movements and high embodied presence.
You will enjoy a structure of movement patterns that are strong but at the same time soft. The movements will challenge you and they will help you to develop a more united and whole body. You will breath, move and sweat.
Nothing else than the ground beneath you and your body's movements is in focus. Clean, simple and fun.
You will move athletic and strong to a suggestive music, relaxed and powerful.
No beat to follow, no repatriations to count. Just you and your never ending movement.
Beginners + all levels
Hatha yoga is a generic term for any type of yoga that teaches physical postures. Nearly every type of yoga classes taught in the West is Hatha yoga with different variations, such as Vinyasa, Anusara, Ashtanga, Iyengar etc.
We move through different poses, with the breath, with the main focus is on staying in the pose for a number of breath or time, to build strength and align body and mind.
Hatha Basics
This is a class were we build the foundation for our physical yoga practice. A slower class with focus on technique and building strength in the poses, to stretch and open up where we feel tighness in the body. Introduction to pranayama (breathing exercises), and shorter meditations.
Beginners + all levels
A hatha class where we hold the poses and find alignment and awareness in body and mind. Other practices in the class can be breathing exercises, mantra and meditation.
Beginners + Intermediate
Hatha flow
Come to this class if you are familiar with Hatha yoga or Vinaysa. The pacing of the class is more in the flow of the breath than regular Hatha classes and more advanced variations of poses. Modifications of poses will still be offered.
Intermediate + experienced
Katona yoga
Katonah Yoga incorporates classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, sacred geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor and imagination in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice with maps of time and personal space are defined and refined.
Incorporating themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure.
Beginners + all levels
Slow flow & breathwork
A delicious blend of slow movement, creative transitioning, breath alchemy and poetry.
Through slow and gentle movements, the first half of the class prioritizes sensation and bridge the gap between reverent ritual and modern day life.
In the second half, we will be weaving the breath like a thread between space and form, body and cosmos, so that we can change the atmosphere inside of our bodies, knock on our hearts and clear our minds.
By oxygenating the body through different practices (rooted in kundalini, classical pranayama, shamanic breath, martial arts and Katonah yoga) breath work moves us into a deeply relaxed and altered state in which we are able to perceive, feel and gently release energy tension and emotions to get to the root of fear, exhaustion or whatever is compromising our breath.
Beginners + all levels
Therapeutic Yoga
Restful classes
These classes are slower, more restful classes.
Yin yoga
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced yoga style with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time. By relaxing into and holding the poses we stress the connective tissue, with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.
We do the poses seated or laying on the floor and we use bolster, blocks and blankest for support.
The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body known as meridians in Chinese medicine.
All levels
Embodied Yin™
Embodied Yin™ is where the mystical permeates the mundane. It invites us to explore our multidimensional capacities for healing by listening and sensing with the whole body-mind. It increases awareness of our mind-body connection in each dimension and through different somatic approaches, intuitive movement, classical nondual Tantra, Chinese medicine and Yin yoga, opens up space by helping to release limitations.
In Yin Yoga we create gentle (sometimes more dynamic) long held postures and practice with an attitude of Maitri, loving kindness. The poses stimulate energy flow in meridians, energy channels, restore, rewire and replenish our nervous system.
All levels
Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down. In restorative yoga, props (bolster, blocks, blankets, belts) are used to support your body so you can hold poses for longer periods of time and passively stretching the body.
Restorative poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends. We do only a few poses during the class. The aim of the class is for you to relax deeply, relesae stress and restore enegy.
All levels
Yoga nidra
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that is performed lying down. Nidra means sleep and Yoga Nidra is often called the sleepless sleep when we are taken into a state between wakefulness and sleep where the body goes into a deep form of relaxation, while keeping the mind focused and awake.
All levels
Breathwork classes
Breathwork Basic
Welcome to this breathwork journey, perfect for those who wants to explore the power of your own breath for the first time, or for the more experienced who wants to go deeper in a safe context.
This session is about balancing the nervous system, stimulating a calmness and de-stress response and at the same time charging up with long-lasting energy with the help of a certain breathing technique, alternated with gentle breath holds before landing in a meditation phase.
Our wish is that you will leave the class feeling relaxed, energised and in a peaceful state.
Beginners + All levels
Activating Breathwork
This activating breathwork is a more intense class where we push ourselves harder than in other classes to maximize the effect of breathwork. Here we dont hold back. <br>Perfect for those who have a hard time focusing on slow paced exercises. You will notice the harder you push, the deeper your relaxation in the end will be. An example of exploring the extremes of activation and relaxation.
Preferably attend this class after trying breathwork at least once before. If you are a beginner you are still welcome, the teacher will give you an easier time.
Slow flow & breathwork
A delicious blend of slow movement, creative transitioning, breath alchemy and poetry.
Through slow and gentle movements, the first half of the class prioritizes sensation and bridge the gap between reverent ritual and modern day life.
In the second half, we will be weaving the breath like a thread between space and form, body and cosmos, so that we can change the atmosphere inside of our bodies, knock on our hearts and clear our minds.
By oxygenating the body through different practices (rooted in kundalini, classical pranayama, shamanic breath, martial arts and Katonah yoga) breath work moves us into a deeply relaxed and altered state in which we are able to perceive, feel and gently release energy tension and emotions to get to the root of fear, exhaustion or whatever is compromising our breath.
Beginners + all levels