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ONLINE: Heavenly hips and tight bits, with Adam Husler

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Hunching over desks, cycling commutes, slouching over an smartphones, picking up kettlebells/children/puppies etc. are all activities that feature in modern lives, but that can actually create some less than desirable effects in the body.


When our activities develop habitual movement patterns, or cultivate tightness and weakness in particular areas of the body, we need needs some time doing exactly the opposite actions. If yoga is a practice of balance and equanimity, we need to apply that to our bodies as much as any thing else.

Thorough this workshop you will:

  • Practice a vinyasa based sequence, targeting those common problem areas, inc; shoulders, chest, hips, legs and plenty more.

  • Be encouraged to find flexibility in the stiff bits and strength in the weak and loose bits.

  • Explore the difference between passive and active range of motion via mobility exploration and deep static poses

  • Maybe laugh, maybe cry, but certainly take home some useful ideas on how you can find more balance in you body, both in class and at home.

  • As the asana practice end, Holly Husler, will guide you through a journey of sound, where healing vibrations and sensations from beautiful instruments such as crystal bowls, chimes and voice, will weave their magic over and through you. Expect a unique, sensory experience.

This workshop is for anyone with a regular practice.

Price: 250 SEK

Place: Online (Zoom) Link will be sent out 30 min before the workshops starts.

Register below and pay workshop fee to: BG: 271-8203 (ref: "Adam 10.5")

19 maj

ONLINE + Studio: 4 week course with Shay Peretz