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Donationsklass för Ukraina, Inside flow med Eva Smoczynska

  • Yogashakti 30A Högbergsgatan Stockholm, Stockholms län, 116 20 Sweden (se karta)

Donationsklass för Ukraina,

Inside flow med Eva Smoczynska

Inside Flow är Vinyasa Flow i takt till musik. Du blir guidad till takten, att känna in rörelserna och synkronisera dem till andetaget. Inside Flow är alltid förkoreograferad till en specifik låt. Under klassen repeteras delar av sekvensen till olika låtar och slutligen flödar vi igenom hela sekvensen utan avbrott till den utvalda låten. Inside Flow präglas av välgenomtänkta sekvenser, kreativa övergångar och härlig musik.

Läs mer om UNCHR och deras livsviktiga arbete i Ukraina:

Onsdag 30 mars, KL.17.00-18.30

PRICE: By donation and choice of amount, see below.
All the income from this class will be donated to “UNCHR”

REGISTER: With the link/button below NOTE: If you already have an account with us in Wondr app, check into your account and choose “Boka Yogakurs” 

By registering you are also agreeing to the terms of our cancellation policy.

The Distance Contracts Act / Repayment obligation (Distansavtalslagen/ Återbetalningsskyldighet)
Yogashakti complies with the Distance Contracts Act when purchasing via our website. Provided that the service / training has not been started / activated, the customer is entitled to a refund of the amount paid for goods and services during the withdrawal period. Within 14 days from the time of purchase (the "withdrawal period"), a customer who is a private individual has the right to notify Silence AB / Yogashakti in writing if he / she has regretted his / her purchase. Yogashakti follows the Distance Contracts Act when purchasing via our website.

PLEASE NOTE: The following exceptions from the Distance Contracts Act / repayment obligation apply to courses / workshops / event classes / educations
* Please cancel if you can not participate, so we can give the spot to someone else.
* Since this is a donation class, no money will be refunded, money will be sent to UNCHR

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