Sound journey & Breathwork
Astrologically and seasonally, this is an ideal time to get real in order to reveal what innate truths lay hidden behind the curtains. It’s a time of letting go of what is no longer serving us (and what we wish to no longer be in service of) in order to make room for and fill up with what feels aligned and new.
The full moon in Taurus is here to guide us through it all with it’s beaming light while the lunar eclipse will put it’s own spin on the moment, which is just the support we need to allow ourselves to deep dive into the emotional waters being offered. We’re being reminded that smooth, embodied internal shifts often make way for long desired external ones.
Together Sanna and Michelle create an atmosphere that leaves you feeling generously held and deeply nourished. Through meditation you will be guided to land within the safe confines of your body; while breathwork will assist you in clearing old wounds, outdated stories, and stagnant energy to create space for healing to take place. The Sound Journey, by way of singing bowls, tuning forks, and chimes will further the alignment within and help you to continue to land into the generous present moment.
In the end, we’ll gather together in a circle for sharing where you’ll be welcomed to enjoy a warm herbal tea.
an active meditation technique that allows you to connect with your breath and clear your mind and body of stuck energy while helping facilitate a release of strong emotions and liberate mental patterns and limiting beliefs. It allows you to feel where your blocks reside and actively move through them, creating a pathway for an emotional detox.
It connects you to your intuition and leaves you feeling softer, open, and less burdened.
You can read more about breathwork here.
Since ancient times various traditions have used the power of sound to find greater alignment and balance in life. The structure of water and carbon is the base of life on this earth. Water is the only element that can switch vibration into the information it is receiving. By using our carbon/crystalline structure and the fact that we consist of 70-80% water in our body, the vibration of sound has the potential to recode your whole system down to a cellular level.
We have all experienced the emotional effect of music. Sound has a very special way of passing by the mind and any resistance we might have from receiving. Sound has both a clearing and aligning effect on our whole being. The vibration transfers to the place where the healing needs to occur. Using the very pure Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls we can reach even deeper into our energy field and energy centers/chakras.
DATE: Saturday, November 20
TIME: kl.14.00-16.30
EXCHANGE: 550 sek
LOCATION: YogaShakti, Högbergsgatan 30A, Stockholm
it’s suggest to dress comfortably and in layers as the body can move through sensations of feeling warm or cold throughout the session
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* In case of cancellation earlier than 7 days, everything except a cancellation fee of SEK 250 will be refunded.
* If canceled 7-2 days before course start, 50% of the course fee will be refunded (or the remaining amount minus SEK 250 cancellation fee for events / workshops / courses / educations that cost less than SEK 500)
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* YogaShakti reserves the right to cancel planned programs and then refund 100% of the course fee.
This breathwork portion of this class is a faster-paced technique where you will be guided to breathe through your mouth for 30-40 minutes.
You can read more about this breathwork practice here.
Please refrain from any mind-altering substances within at least 24 hours of your appointment or workshop. Clients will be turned away from a session or workshop if under the influence of a substance, and no refund will be given.
Sanna is a mentor, energy intuitive and a conduit of transformation and alignment, but beyond all labels she is a fellow traveler on the journey of Self-discovery, sharing what she has been able to transcend and create on her path.
Her name “Sanna” means true in Swedish, and Sana means healing in Spanish, which are good pointers of who she is. The search for her own ever-changing truth has been a red thread throughout her life and has brought deep healing to herself and others.
She has studied, immersed in different forms of alchemical energy work and co-created with wise, embodied and inspirational teachers all over the world, always with a curious spirit to learn more and open up to new perspectives.
Her passion is to inspire others on the journey of Self-discovery. Her natural gift is to enable coherence in humans and spaces by clearing discordant energies that is holding alignment back. The energy she embodies creates space for self-discovery, self-healing, reconnection, greater alignment and more balance in everyday life
Sanna is founder and creator of Bodhish, a sacred gathering space in Stockholm. At the moment Sanna offers her work through individual mentorships, guided meditations/alignments/attunements, workshops, monthly transformational programs and retreats on selected and sacred spots. She works both online and in person with individuals, groups and the collective.
Michelle is a trained Coach and Mentor specializing in personal growth, navigating transitions and self-inquiry. She weaves her personal and professional studies of Breathwork, Yoga, Meditation and Energy Medicine throughout her offerings.
While charting the waters of her own healing journey Michelle has had the honor of studying and working alongside some of the world’s leading teachers. Their offerings and her studentship to life’s continuous teachings are the foundational building blocks to who she is and how she shows up in the world as a human and as a steady source of support.
Michelle doesn’t believe in the ability to heal others, rather that you are your own innate healer. She works with people all over the world in one-on-one and group settings creating a welcoming and memorable environment for you to heal and connect while inviting you to explore your internal landscape, welcome your shadows, and reawaken to your authentic, wholesome self.
Sweden is currently her home base, but New York is her first home and where she began her journey into mindfulness and holistic living. She offers private Coaching, Breathwork and Energy Medicine sessions, group workshops, retreats and trainings.
She is the creator of Coming Home, a 6-part healing series for journeying inward and recollecting oneself through Breathwork, meditation and self-study.